AllState CoPay Enhanced Plan
The AllState CoPay Enhanced Short Term plan is a more traditional private insurance plans. It is offered through AllState, formerly National General, and accesses the Aetna Network, one of the largest networks in the nation.
This plan DOES have copay payments for Dr visits & Urgent Care visits. Each family member can have 2 Dr visits per 12 month period. There is a $40 copay for PCP and $60 for specialist.
There are 2 deductible options $6000 & $8000 with premiums adjusted by chosen dedcutible.
There is also pharmacy coverage offered with this plan.
To help off-set the deductible cost there are supplemental plans, such as an accident plan from MedElite or a hospital plan from AllState.
This plan is great for those healthy individuals who are wanting a plan for “what if’s” of life.
For plan brochure click here