When the breadwinner is gone…
What would happen if the breadwinner in your world passed away? Whether that is you, your partner or you are are co-breadwinners… what happens when one of you is no longer here?
What is your current coverage?
First, do you have life insurance? Is it just for you, you and your partner or all members of the family?
Second, who owns the plans? Do you own them or the company you are employed with? This can determine what the benefits are, how you collect on the policy and who to contact to get assistance.
Lastly, do you know where the actual policies are located, whether hard copy or electronic copy? It is important to have access to the policies. Within the policy is all the info you will need to make a claim.
Do you need to be covered?
The short answer is YES, and that is not just because I am a life insurance broker. Based on a study from www.lifeinsuranceblog.net within a month of the breadwinner passing away 35% or more households will feel the financial affects of them being gone.
The good news is that you do not have to be in that 35%. There are so many options to help protect you and your family for probably a lot less than you expect.
There is coverage available for those super young and those not so young, those super healthy and those with some challenges. It can’t hurt just to check out the options right?
So what next, even if you are not the breadwinner?
First, follow this link to set up a time to have a quick chat with me. Let’s talk briefly about what you have currently, what you would like to have, and what info I need to start to find you the RIGHT options for you and your family.
Whether you just want a simple term plan, an annuity, something to cover your end of life expense or something that is available for long term care issues… there are options.
I am here to help!
Give me a few minutes and let’s see what we can do to get you some needed peace of mind for you and those you care most about.